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New Members bring added strengths


At the August monthly meeting, the membership voted on several new membership classification changes, new members, and affiliates. We at South would like to welcome Junior Firefighter Mcnaul, Junior Firefighter Mclaughlin, Probationary Firefighter Bertollo at becoming the newest active members. We would like to welcome aboard Firefighter Beck, Firefighter Zwigart, Firefighter Powers, and Firefighter Zalek as our newest affiliate members and congratulations to Social Members Trammell and Mclaughlin for taking the leap of faith and becoming active members putting them in Probationary Firefighter status.

We are proud to support 6 of our members that will begin classes on August 20th to becoming trained firefighters and look forward to helping them all grow.

Pictured are Junior FF Mcnaul, Junior FF Mclaughlin, and Probationary FF Bertollo being sworn in by President Hurne.